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  • Writer's pictureAmanda Stoneman Life Coach

How Far Does Kindness Go?!

Good Evening!

I know this is later in the day then I normally post but when God speaks to your heart you listen!!

Earlier today I had to run errands and decided to drop off lunch to my husband at work, with a coffee he really likes. Between town and his work is about 15-20 minutes so I ordered our sub sandwiches online so they would be ready when I get there, the sub store is right beside his work. When I got there I walked in and there were 3 people in front of me and since I ordered online I could have gone straight to the register and picked up my order, but I was taught wait your turn so I did. While waiting I was looking around behind the counter to see if my order was ready. The worker was in the process of finish up a lady's sandwich and she was the only employee working. After she finished that order she told the gentleman next in line that she had to make this online order before getting his because it was already 6 minutes late and it appeared like he was just going to leave without ordering. Now I had a choice to allow irritation(carnality) or live Kingdom and tell the worker to wait making my order. I chose to say that the online order was mine and to allow the gentleman and mom with her son orders to be done first. Then while waiting on those to be finish and mine a older gentleman got in line behind me and asked if I new the difference between 2 of the subs listed and I didn't, but our conversation didn't end there we just chit chatted while in line, I think he really enjoyed having someone to talk with. When my order was finished the worker said thank you for my patience and allowing those other 2 orders to be done before my online order. I told her you are welcome and that she was doing a great job, she smiled and was blessed with encouragement.

Back to my question how far does kindness go? Well I know my kindness today blessed at least 5 people the gentleman who might have not gotten lunch, the mom and son who had somewhere to be, the older gentleman who needed someone to talk with(even if only for a few minutes, and the employee doing her best to please the customers! Jesus taught in Matthew 25: 34-40 what you have done for the least of these you have done for Me! Being kind and sharing God's love is how we bring the Kingdom to Earth.

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